Criminal Law


It is the body of law that explains as criminal offenses, manages the concerns, charges, and trials of suspected individuals, decide fine and methods of treatment applicable to condemned wrong-doers.
Criminal law enlightens issues raised from a Criminal offenses are described as crimes ranging from serious crimes like murder to minor acts like over-speeding. Criminal punishments are also decided by criminal law courts and are usually dependent on the severity of the crime. Minor crimes may are also punishable by a fine or a short term of trial. Violent criminals result in years of prison, life-long punishments, or even the death warrant, depends on the situation.

White Collar

White collar crimes are basically low or non-violent crimes performed mainly for financial gain. This type of criminal activity offers wide variety of illegal acts and plans. The one common feature in this crime is committed through lie .



Driving under the influence of alcohol is a charged crime all over the states. No matter what your state calls it "driving under the influence (DUI)," "driving while intoxicated (DWI)," or some other term, it is a charge that is taken very seriously and punishable



Felony the most severe kind of criminal act performed by a criminal. Felonies are punishable, in prison for more than one year and the sentences are mostly served in a federal or state prison instead of a county jail. Most common form of felonies are murder, rape,.


Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is the most commonly occurring issue in the criminal law court. The victims of domestic violence are always kept under-cover and given protection by the civil and federal law. They may look for relief in civil and criminal both courts.


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